You are not alone.

Possibly the best thing about this summer's typing institute has been the time our typers have spent in paired conversations. It's here that they're chatting about crushes, making plans to hang at the pool or the mall, and - maybe most importantly - sharing about their experiences moving from a locked-in world of silence to being able to raise their voices through typing. Among all the typers, this common theme has emerged: this journey is not a sprint. It is a marathon. Perhaps even an IronMan. Learning to type is a process that takes time, mental focus, physical exertion, persistence, and dedication. Being able to talk about these things with others running on the same path has been invaluable.
This past week, one of our teenage typers asked to spend some time with a younger kiddo who is new to a group setting. Last year, this teenager lost his father suddenly, and he taps into these feelings in the thoughts he shared about the importance of asking for help and realizing you're not alone in your self-doubt, worry, and anxiety. Here are his words, shared at his request to help others on this journey.
Time will totally make this not so hard. Think you need to keep my next one in mind. This is a long journey that makes people think about giving up sometimes. Ok. But you are too smart to let this keep you locked in. Pointing is my lifeline. Not only has it let me go to school like other kids, it let teachers like Mihalich tame my nasty hard feelings of doubt in myself. Only you can tell yourself terrible doubts that lets awful autism have its fingers around your neck.
Going to tell you something that opened my mind to how talk helps. Once I wanted to let myself have a get f**ked up time and never wake up again. However big master God told me my life makes lots of people happy and I need to let people help me. My teacher made me talk to a good grief group and it saved my life.
Struggles with doubt and depression are not owned by the speaking world. These feelings affect all of us as humans, whether our voices are spoken or typed. On this journey together, let's embrace and promote the idea that we do not walk alone.