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#actuallyautistic voices

Summer of Guest Presenters

Writer's picture: Lisa Mihalich QuinnLisa Mihalich Quinn

At REV Institute, we have always loved having guest presenters visit. There's so much learning that can happen from our guests. In the past, we've welcomed an environmental biologist, a CNN / Washington Post Reporter, and a National Aquarium Diver. This summer, we're thrilled to continue the trend with even more fantastic guests!

On July 5, we video conferenced with Mia Minugs, a writer, educator and community organizer for disability justice and transformative justice. Learn more about Mia and her fascinating work on her blog, Leaving Evidence.

On July 11, we video conferenced with Kahane Cooperman, director of the Oscar-nominated short film Joe's Violin, which we watched and discussed with her. The film can be viewed online and is worth the half-hour investment! Kahane also talked to us about her time working with Jon Stewart at The Daily Show and her role with his fundraiser for autism, Night of Too Many Stars.

Later in July, we will be video conferencing with Tracy Thresher and Larry Bissonnette, the stars of Wretches and Jabberers, two of the most respected adult typers in the FC community. You can view the film online with a public library membership using the Kanopy app.

We're also excited to be joined in person by Lydia X.Z. Brown, an autistic disability justice advocate, organizer, and writer whose work has largely focused on violence against multiply-marginalized disabled people, especially institutionalization, incarceration, and policing. Learn more about Lydia at their blog, Autistic Hoya.

We're also pumped to video conference with Tito and Soma Mukhopadhyay to discuss Tito's newest book of poems, Plankton Dreams. We'll explore his poetry at Institute in the coming weeks.

Finally, we're going to video conference with Hari Srinivasan, a blogger, typer, and opinion writer at the Daily Californian. Check out Hari's writings on his blog.

What an amazing summer it's been so far, and it's only halfway over! We're already planning ahead for more fun times this fall. Stay tuned for registration details in early August.

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