Finding Acceptance in Diversity: My Experience with the REV Co-Op
Have you ever been a part of a group where you feel inclined to change pieces of yourself in order to be accepted?
How about a group deeply inclusive of folks just as they are?
My type of group is the second.

The group joyously accepting me exactly as I am is my REV Co-Op family. Together we are seemingly so different and that is fine and very beautiful.
So many times you need to adapt to the dated notions of society where disability might be accommodated but not so deeply welcomed.
In my Co-Op family, diversity is at the heart of our values. Having a space created with disability celebrated feels like a friend’s hug folding me in its warmth.
If you have never experienced this type of acceptance, you should join us.
We will welcome you just the way you are.
Enjoy some pictures from our Co-Op holiday party!

Nick is just an autistic guy trying to get his big voice out.
Want to read more of Nick's writing? You can find his stuff here on the REV blog and also at NeuroClastic.
Want to leave Nick a tip to support his work? You can donate via his Ko-Fi page