Narrative: Love in a Carry-On Bag
I have a bag I take everywhere.
If you looked inside you would find ordinary things. Clothes. An extra pair of shoes. My charger and iPad.
What you don’t see is possibly the biggest thing inside. My bag is heaping with love.
You know how the world is full of miserable people?
I’m not one of them.
Hard as my life is, I can safely say I begin and end each day deeply grateful for the love I carry.
As I go through my day, I not only notice frequent small acts of kindness, I pick them up and place them in my bag.
They add up, these small things.
Doesn't that bag weigh you down, you might wonder.
Friend, it lifts me up.

Nick is just an autistic guy trying to get his big voice out.
Want to read more of Nick's writing? You can find his stuff here on the REV blog and also at NeuroClastic.
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