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What We Think
Writing from our Students & Staff, Centering Autistic Voices

Trevor Byrd
Aug 2, 20192 min read
Take Me and My Letterboard Out to the Ballgame
RPM has opened doors for me that seemed permanently closed. Today I can email my teachers. I can joke with my family. I can even tell my mom

Zach and Owen | Lisa Mihalich Quinn
Jul 31, 20192 min read
Police Awareness of Disability
This July, students at Reach Every Voice Summer Institute spent a week learning about advocacy and collaborating to advocate for a cause...

Joel, Nadia, Nick | Lisa Mihalich Quinn
Jul 26, 20192 min read
Education Gap in Mental Health Instruction
This July, students at Reach Every Voice Summer Institute spent a week learning about advocacy and collaborating to advocate for a cause...

Cade, Nathan, Srija | Lisa Mihalich Quinn
Jul 24, 20193 min read
Access to Communication
This July, students at Reach Every Voice Summer Institute spent a week learning about advocacy and collaborating to advocate for a cause...

Ethan, Jack, William | Lisa Mihalich Quinn
Jul 23, 20193 min read
Age Appropriate Education
Three nonspeaking teens ask for age appropriate access to a meaningful education for all individuals with disabilities.

Nick | Lisa Mihalich Quinn
May 29, 20192 min read
Battle to Tame the Panic
Anxiety is something that affects many of our students at REV. Whether it manifests as stress, OCD, or panic, the crippling feelings of...

Nadia | Lisa Mihalich
May 22, 20192 min read
Odyssey Revisited
Nadia's back with more writing! Like her pal Jack, Nadia chose to take on a revision of Homer's Odyssey. In case you need a quick...

Jack | Lisa Mihalich Quinn
May 21, 20192 min read
Jack to the Future
Earlier this spring, Jack - author of A King Among My Flock - took on a new creative writing prompt. He was given this picture and asked,...

Trevor Byrd
May 8, 20192 min read
First, Don't Panic.
Trevor has been working hard to develop more fluency with multiple communication partners, including his mom and two staff members at his...

Lisa Mihalich Quinn
Apr 3, 20192 min read
When you know better...
Reach Every Voice came into existence about three and a half years ago to fill a void in the lives of students looking for an engaging...
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