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What We Think
Writing from our Students & Staff, Centering Autistic Voices

Trevor Byrd
May 8, 20192 min read
First, Don't Panic.
Trevor has been working hard to develop more fluency with multiple communication partners, including his mom and two staff members at his...

Nadia and Sahit | Lisa Mihalich Quinn
Mar 22, 20191 min read
Hail Goddess Sun!
They're back! The dynamic duo of Nadia and Sahit set us up with a new collaborative story, inspired by spring! Nadia's lines are in...

Jack | Lisa Mihalich Quinn
Dec 21, 20182 min read
A King Among My Flock
A few of our students are reading Homer's Odyssey right now, and Jack asked us to publish his narrative that continues the story of...

Nadia and Sahit | Lisa Mihalich Quinn
Nov 9, 20181 min read
Party in Our Brains!
They're back! The dynamic duo of Nadia and Sahit decided to tackle a collaborative sonnet on this gross, rainy day. Nadia's lines are in...

Nadia and Sahit | Lisa Mihalich Quinn
Oct 26, 20181 min read
Forgetful Friday
Two of our middle school students joined forces today to create a collaborative story! Each author took turns writing lines with Nadia...

Nadia | Lisa Mihalich
Oct 10, 20182 min read
More than a Guide Dog
Nadia's back with more writing! Writing an effective argument can be tricky, but after studying the three concepts of Ethos, Pathos, and...

Nadia | Ashna | Lisa Mihalich Quinn
Aug 20, 20182 min read
#fiercegirltypers - No. 2 Meet Sarah
Nadia and Ashna are back at it, interviewing more fierce girl typers! Today, they’re ready to share their interview with their pal and...

Trevor Byrd
Jul 17, 20182 min read
Dear Teachers...
Don't assume that my speech is actually speaking my thoughts. More often than not I'm only in OCD loop. Let's stop listening to the inane st
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